Senior ML and DL developer | Career at CVisionLab


Senior ML and DL developer

We welcome motivated and dedicated professionals to work on projects related to the analysis of medical imaging, quality control systems based on technical vision, intelligent video surveillance and algorithms for artistic image processing.


  • Experience as a programmer  3+ years.
  • Proficiency in one of the popular  deep machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, MxNet, other)
  • Experience in successful performances in the Kaggle competition or the experience of implementing machine learning methods.
  • Deep knowledge of Python.
  • Strong knowledge of most libraries from the list (STL, Boost, Dlib, OpenCV, numpy, pylab, scipy, sklearn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, MxNet).
  • Confident knowledge of frameworks for testing.
  • Knowledge of version control systems.
  • Experience of development on Unix-like systems.
  • Experience in developing multi-threaded applications.
  • Knowledge of linear algebra and probability theory.
  • The ability to independently find ways to solve fairly large tasks (requiring a month or more time to implement).
  • The ability to explain their architectural decisions and to assert their viability to others.
  • Good communication skills, the ability to accurately and distinctly express their thoughts in oral and written form.
  • The ability to independently find new libraries and frameworks to solve the tasks, to assess their applicability, and to recommend for implementation among the team.
  • Knowledge of written and spoken English at the level sufficient to communicate with foreign colleagues.
  • The willingness to learn emerged in their field: search and reading current scientific publications, familiarization with the materials of the primary conferences.
  • Capability to share their knowledge and learn from colleagues.


  • Experience in development and training of models based on deep convolutional networks for computer vision.
  • Experience in independent project management.
  • The ability to negotiate independently with customers on current technical issues.

We offer:

  • Interesting unusual tasks.
  • Professional growth.
  • Flexible work schedule.
  • Workplace in a modern office.
  • Free lunches from your chef, tea, coffee, cookies.
  • Completely white salary and registration in accordance with the LC RF.
  • Bonuses, payment of processing in a double size.
  • 4 weeks paid vacation.
  • Free English courses.
  • An infinite number of sweets, tea, coffee.
  • Payment for participation in international profile conferences (NIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV).

Feel free to apply this job or use e-mail




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